This is my first homapge. This is site is dedicated to Kajol. She is the one ane only actresse who come close to my heart with her acting..she is just superb.
Here on this site you can find a lot of interesting facts and informations about kajol and you can find a lot of creations made by me as well, you can use my creations for free, if you like it, but don`t forget to give the credit to my homapage. Because only so you can tolarate me for more creations.
Hey dear Kajol fans, i am realy sry for not being so active here..
was realy busy with studies,work nd other social network Sites..
thanks for visitng my site..means a lot to me..i try to update more here!! 1 new Affi:
4. July 2010
1 new affi:
19 June 2010
2 new signatures
05 June 2010
againe with 3 new creations
17.May 2010
Hello everybody,
i am coming after a long time break. I am very happy to share my creations with u all ..
Today i am going to add 8 new wallpapers of : Kajol and Sumanth (Telugu Actor)
hope you all like my creations..and plz give credit if you use my